There isn't anything more important in our lives, then to Trust the Lord with all that we desire. He has given us so much that we are truly grateful for his mercy and love.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Catching Up........
Thursday, October 11, 2007
My Future Baseball Star
Look at that Stance.
Perfect swing, HOMERUN!!!
Taking a Break after Day Care
Christopher had been having a few rough days after his first two days in Day Care. We decided to take him to the beach to just run around and let some steam out. I guess he has realized that Day Care is not just a one time thing, he has realized that Day Care is everyday and is not having it. We just felt bad for him and wanted to spend some quality time with him alone. An evening at the Beach always works wonders, especially with a beautiful sunset in the background.
Friday, October 05, 2007
The Question is Why???
I had to think about that for about a minute, yeah just a minute. You see this blog is not just about me putting my thoughts down which really is therapeutic, but it is about sharing my love to my son and my wife Lina.
Lina and I started out together 16 years ago today. We started that slow crawl to dating and getting to know eachother. Then it escalated to knowing enough about eachother and knowing that there wasn't another soul on this earth that we'd rather be with so we got married. Then it was just believing that God's plan for our lives would eventually involve becoming parents. Eight years of dating, six years of married, and WALLAY, Lina is pregnant.
So waiting all those years for a chance to be a dad, well you hold a lot of emotions that you really do not know how to express. Every feeling that you have is bottled up inside and it feels like it will make you explode. But this Blog has allowed me not only to share those feelings with those that we love and cherish in our lives, but it has given me a great memory tool, so that when Christopher grows up and is able to read, he will have a diary full of many years that chronicled his life and our lives together. He will then be able to share this with his kids and his own grandkids.
This Blog started out as a mere way to share my feelings, but it has grown to more than that. It will be my way to communicate to Christopher when we are with the Lord, how much he changed our lives when he arrived on December 3, 2005. How much the arrival of a precious gift from God made all the years of waiting and trusting in God all worth it.
Oh yeah, when do I have the time, well I think about it this way, we are all busy in our daily routines, but if I just take out an hour an evening or a few days a week to write down all that I am thinking and new things that Christopher has done, by the time he is older and on his own, this Blog will be a novel and it will be about him. What a great gift to give to your child. A Novel about his life. I write every chance I get.
So my answer to those that ask me WHY? WHY NOT!!!!
Christopher's Week in Day Care
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Christopher's Big Day
How Brave he is, walking in by his self.
Christopher was so excited to see other kids.
He's still kind of shy but opening up just in time.
Christopher is settling in.
Christopher is so amazing.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
The Day has Arrived!!!
It will be very difficult to just leave him there, but we have been leaving him in Day Care at the nursery at church and even though he is only there 1 1/2 hours, he has done very well and has adapted. So we pray that this adjustment will be a smooth one as well. We understand if it isn't and he needs time, we will be there as we should to offer him that comfort.
Well just a quick update of our quickly growing boy. I have not updated this part in a while. But he is now a parrot. He repeats everything we say, which 99% of the time is great, just trying to stop that 1% that he hears things and repeats that he shouldn't, but it is still cute to hear him at times.
He started counting, with help, to 20 this week. He repeats the ABC's and you have to hear how he says the letters, it is so cute. He sounds as if he has a Spanish accent. He knows his whole face and almost all his body parts in English & Spanish. Man he is already advanced more than his daddy.
Just kind of sad that my boy is growing so fast, kind of want him to stay a baby, but at the same time enjoying every moment with him. Can't wait for his second birthday, gonna be a blast!!!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Vacation Just About Over
I recently had a friend tell me that, "I make it hard to be friends with" and that "it isn't all about me". All I can say to that is that I am sorry if he feels that way, I am just a bit confused about what he said. I always feel that I try very hard to be there for my friends and family in time of need, that I never try and boast or brag about all that God has done in my life, but I share maybe to be an encouragement to others, maybe that they would look to God for their own transgressions and know that God will honor their faith in him. It bothered me a bit, those few words, because if I failed to be a good friend to him, then I failed God. I didn't do all that God has called me to do and that is Love one another. Even if I have disagreements with someone, I am called as a Christian to show love to those that are brought into my life.
Well all I can do is leave that relationship in God's hands and allow him to work it out. What I have no control over, I can not change with my own hands, God will take over and take care of it.
Well I am just so excited about finally getting things done and being able to contribute even more to the home, Lina and Christopher. Plans have been on hold because of me not working, but now we can focus and get things done. Thank You God for all that you do, for answering prayers and allowing us to go through things so that it may strengthen our faith in you.
God please bless all those that read this Blog. God please answer all of their prayers so that their faith in you will continue to grow and that their testimony may be a blessing to those they come in contact with.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Family Time ends a Great August
We started the weekend in Miami visiting my sister Vanessa and her boyfriend Neal. I had never been to Miami Beach. AHHHH the water at the beach was awesome. So Clear, so warm so Blue/green, Ocean Drive was an adventure, nice place to visit wouldn't go all the time. Bayside, the seaport version of NY's South Street Seaport, was really nice and cozy. Spanish music playing and boats and people everywhere. The busyness kind of reminded me of NY.
It was an all around great weekend and great time with my family. Wish it could be that way all the time, but I know that eventually they will all be closer to us and we will then be spoiled.
Ahhhh the Beautiful Beach.
Neal, Vanessa & Christopher.
The whole family at a Ocean Drive spot.
Me & Lina showing off the tans.

Christopher and his modeling pose.

Man we are all dark.

Nana & Christopher.

Papa & Christopher.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Titi Amanda visits SW Florida.
Titi Amanda & Christopher.
A weekend with the Conde Family
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
A Ball Player with a Good Heart
To have a Major Leaguer give of his time and busy schedule to give back to the youth of today was a big thing. Even getting a chance to talk to him myself was exciting since I am a big baseball fan that just loves the game. Moving down to Florida from New York, you have to deal with never ever getting so close to a player to even say hello, or getting ignored, but to have an opportunity to meet a wonderful young man with a great head on his shoulders was a great privilege. And it didn't bother me either talking to a Redsox since I am a Mets fan, not a Yankees fan.
This past Saturday, July 28, at Tropicana Field in Tampa, Fl, Manny invited the whole team with their parents to the stadium and presented the players with Redsox jackets(see photo) that had their name on the front and "Cape Coral League Champions" on the back. The kids were all excited about getting a chance to hang out with Manny a few hours before the game and then getting a chance to watch a great game afterward. Unfortunately Manny didn't get a chance to pitch, but it was great just hanging out with him before the game, it gave a different feel to going to a Major League game. Manny's wife and parents also attended the jacket ceremony and were so nice and fun to be around. It was an all around great day.
Manny is a great part of the Redsox bullpen and he will get even better with time and experience. The team has a pitcher with real good stuff and can become a mainstay in the bullpen for many years to come. How many people get to live their dream of playing for their hometown team, I think we all dream about that, but to live it, I think that is priceless.
Being a Mets fan obviously I want my team to win it all, but to meet a player like Manny, he has just won another fan on his side and I root for many successes in his life. He definitely deserves it. When you take of your time and just give back to the kids, it just makes a great impact on their lives. To talk to my God-son Steven about the game of baseball and just discuss all that it means to him, it is also priceless when you can help a young kid to make a difference in his or her life. And the many lives that Manny has touched already, they have a great chance of becoming something special.
Manny and his wife are expecting their first baby in September. I pray that God blesses this family with a healthy and happy baby boy. God Bless them.
Manny Delcarmen and Steven
Manny, Myself & Steven
A Prayer Request
I told her that I knew I didn't have any cousins named Henry. I thought about it and it hit me, the only Henry Conde that I knew, was the same Henry that Damien, Boobie, Peter, Chris and myself hung out with back in the day and played softball. I thought that it couldn't be him. There was no way. I called Chris, and he said that that Henry fit the description in the paper. It was finally confirmed today when I saw a picture of him in the Daily News on line.
I have known Henry a long time and I can honestly say that he is a good man that would never do anything wrong. He is a man of God and is always looking out for people especially his friends. I lift him up in prayer tonight and ask God to allow him the opportunity to be vindicated of these charges and to restore him to his job. I pray that God is with his family during this ordeal and that he will give them patience and understanding. I ask that anyone that reads this blog would also put him up in prayer. Only God knows the truth and he shall reveal for all to see when this is all over. God Bless Henry and his family.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Summer of 2007 in Florida
Monday, July 23, 2007
New Church, New Beginning
The first few months were the hardest, because we were just adjusting to a new State, let a lone a new church. We visited two churches and really couldn't decide on which one was suited for us. We attended weekly services, at times switching back and forth. I guess I was looking for a church like Christ Tab. One that I could feel God's presence and also feel at home. I guess I wasn't really giving any of the churches a real chance. I was holding on to the past, to home in NY, never really grasping that we have a new home here in Florida.
We started to attend First Assemblies of God full time, every Sunday, and taking Christopher to Day Care. It was very difficult at first because he was not staying there too long and his number kept coming up on the screen. Either myself in the service alone or Lina alone and the other one with Christopher helping him to adjust. But that time spent was so well worth it. One day after service, we are in the kidztown lobby and Christopher turned to a cartoon picture and said "JESHUS". I looked at him and just praised God. My son acknowledged our savior. He recognized the one true man that has changed my life. And to top it off, he sang (some of the words- LOL) with Lina to the song "Jesus Loves Me". I was just in awe. I didn't think that this was the church for us, but God revealed to me that we are exactly where he wants us to be.
Then this past Sunday, the service was awesome. The music was amazing and Pastor Leibe spoke and his sermon was so awesome, I was in tears the whole time, not for sadness, but just being so grateful to God for what he has done for my family. Lina and I can't wait to get more involved in the church, and eventually becoming members.
But the most important part is that we feel as if we have found our new church, our home, and a new beginning.
To God be all the glory.
An Answered Prayer
Well this all started when we were in NY last year and all I wanted for Christmas was to have more time with Christopher. Up until August 2006, I had been working since he was born and only getting to see him maybe 2 hours a day, in the AM and at night and then he would go to sleep. It was killing me because I wanted to spend every minute with him. I would be jealous of Lina (not really) but I wanted that whole day with him. I wanted to watch him change and grow and start to learn new things. It wasn't like Lina wasn't doing a great job, because she was and is, but I wanted to spend every single day with God's creation, his greatest gift to a family, a baby. It was a prayer that I felt one day could be answered.
Then we moved to Florida and things started to change. My first job here allowed me to work at home and see Christopher more, but funny thing was that it was not enough. I had to be in my room on the computer working most of the day and occasionally out on the road. Most people would think that I am crazy for wanting that, but if you knew that one of my true desires in life was to be a dad, then you would understand.
Then I lost my job and found myself home all the time. It was a new thing for me, but everyday wondering what we would do next excited me. It was tough on Lina and myself because with only unemployment coming in, we didn't know what would happened.
But that is when God decided to answer another prayer. Lina found a full time job and I became the full time sitter for Christopher. I did have time to go through a training program for the county schools for a bus operator position and was a awarded a CDL license because of that. And thanks to my father-in-law, Christopher was taken care of, but it wasn't the same leaving him each day. I know that Lina struggles each day with leaving him to go to work, but in the back of my mind, I say to myself, great my turn.
I know that most people feel that if the man is not working and earning the bread, that the family won't survive, but we leave all that in God's hands and it has allowed me to spend everyday with Christopher and we both have grown and have created such a bond together.
I have met men here that are in the same situation, just wanting a better situation for their baby and just enjoying the time spent with their child. It truly is priceless.
Our situation is getting so much better, even though it wasn't ever truly that bad, because God was and is in control. We are just afforded more opportunities for growth here then we were when we first arrived and my time with Christopher each and everyday has been so special to me. Whatever decision we choose to do regarding his well being, I know it will be taken care of, because God is the leader of this vehicle and he will never let us down.
I always say be careful what you pray for, but this is one prayer that I am glad it was answered exactly as I wanted it. Thank You Jesus.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
God's Way
My Photos of Paradise:

Sunday, May 20, 2007
Our Boy Is Growing Up
I think this past week was one of the greatest weeks of being a dad. Our son has been talking so much, I mean not sentences, but words, words that I might have said once or Lina might have said once and he has picked up so much so fast. It just amazes us how quickly he is learning.
The other day we were in the car and a motorcycle passes by and Lina says, "Papi eso es un motor", or something to that effect, and he looks at her, points to the motorcycle and as clear as day says, " BIIIEE" now he couldn't get that "K" sound, but it was close enough. I just started laughing it was so cute. He says Ball, well he dreams about balls and sits up in the middle of the night and looks at you says "BALL!!!" and lays back down and falls asleep again. OK!!!! LOL
He waves his cute little hands and says BYE and HI. He loves dancing with the DVD Happy Feet. We all get a trip out of that one. Don't know where he learned how to dance, but we both know that he has my rhythm.
We finally put together a tricycle that he received for his birthday and he gets right on it and makes motorcycle noises. Man, was I that fast a learner. Just kidding. But what we realized is that he is learning mostly all "B" words on his own and that kind of reminds me of story when my mothers friend was teaching me the "F" words and slipped in a real bad "F" word. I think I repeated it to my grandmother and one of my aunts and it only sounded funny because I was like 3 or 4. But no worries, no bad "B" words for Christopher.
We were driving and Lina pointed out a Bus to him, and without hesitation he repeated and said "BUS". Everything is his, no matter what it is, so he tells us, "MINE". Lina parents have always been "ITA" & "ITO" to their grandchildren because they couldn't say abuelito or abuelita when they were younger, so he has joined right in.
It is just so cute all that you experience with your children. It is just a God given blessing that we as parents can see a life forming right before our eyes. I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful experience. It is because of you that we are able to enjoy Christopher everyday of our remaining days on this earth.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Birthday to Lina
Friday, April 27, 2007
Welcome Back!!!
One thing I didn't add was Christopher's 1st Birthday on December 3, 2006. Here are some pictures from that wonderful day.