Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Checking Back In........

I have not written in a while. So many things going on now in our lives, that I have been side tracked for a bit. But I wanted to put some new pictures of Christopher on the site. He is growing so fast, and he is so smart. It is still hard for me to comprehend that I am a Dad. I guess when he really says "Daddy" for the first time, it will truly hit me. But these past 8 months of his life, I would never trade it for anything. He is such a great boy, yeah I know all parents say that about their children, but I am just so proud to be his dad.

Lina has been doing a great job at home with Christopher. She also took these great pictures that I had to share. God has blessed us with this great opportunity to allow Lina to stay home and raise our son. We know that in the end we will look back and be able to say that it was a great thing for Christopher and also a great experience for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am so happy that she gets to stay home with Christopher! it def is the best! cant wait til I can do the same! He is gorgeous!